
2 large boneless and skinless Turkey breast**
1 large lemon
large handful (1/3 cup) of fresh parsley chopped
2-3 Tbs jarred capers
red bell pepper or sweet peppers (optional)
1/2 cup of chicken broth
salt and black pepper to taste
1/4 tsp granulated garlic powder
red chili flakes to taste
2-3 Tbs of butter
1 Tbs of canola oil
Note: Substitute chicken for the turkey if necessary.

Slice turkey breast into thick cutlets. Melt some of the butter and oil in large saute pan and brown both sides well until almost cooked. Do this in batches and avoid crowding the pan. Transfer cooked

meat onto a plate. Use additional butter and oil as needed to brown all the turkey. Add chicken stock, juice of lemon, garlic powder, chili flakes, bell pepper and capers to pan with all the browned turkey and the juices from the turkey on the plate.

Cook for a 3-5 minutes in broth and taste for seasoning. Add another pat of butter to finish the sauce. The sprinkle with fresh chopped parsley and serve with rice, pasta or bread. Enjoy.
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